Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Meeting (to discuss final track selection)

After several minor disagreements, we came to a decision on a track by Carole King entitled 'I Feel The Earth Move', and although we had all previously heard the song, we had no knowledge of Carole King herself, consequently we agreed that the song choice would be suitable as it was unlikely that other's would associate the song with hers when watching our video.

Zahra kindly volunteered to portray the artist, as Carole's voice is arguably indistinct yet strong, allowing us to cast someone who almost anyone that appears confident on screen.

Ideas for the video;
  • at the beginning we'd have a little girl singing to her teddies with her hairbrush in a girly kind of room

  • transition to her as an older person...singing to the same song while getting ready to go out

  • we'll keep cutting back and fourth between the two

Ryan and i had a brainstorming session during a single free period, here are some of our ideas:

  • little girl and older will have the same mannerisms to make it clear they are the same person i.e putting on make-up (the girl could use her mums stuff but both of them will have the same dresser), putting on shoes and jewellery. the girl could also try a little dance once she has finished doing herself up but trips over because her shoes are too big, but the woman would do the dance perfectly. (the dance would only be a couple of simple moves but the woman does it in a more sexualised way maybe?)

To do:

  • Zahra will get in touch with a potential 'little girl' called Leah who she works with at her local church choir who definately loves to perform.

  • We need to brainstorm ideas about clothes and location

Zahra xx

Inspiration of little girls!!!

awwwwwwww, isnt it adorable!?

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